Materials Needed:
- Elastic cord (preferably thick enough to hold the beads securely)
- Assorted colorful seed beads
- Jewelry glue
- Scissors
- Beading needle (optional, but can be helpful)

Making a multi-strand colorful seed bead bracelet with elastic cord and glue is a fun and creative project. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the process:
Favorite supplies
Step 1: Measure and Cut the Elastic Cord
- Wrap the elastic cord around your wrist to determine the length you’ll need for your bracelet. Remember to leave a bit of extra length for tying knots.
- Cut the elastic cord to the desired length.
Step 2: Prepare the Strands
- Decide how many strands you want for your bracelet. For this tutorial, we’ll use 15 strands, but you can adjust the number according to your preference.
- Cut three equal lengths of elastic cord, each slightly longer than the desired finished length of the bracelet.
Step 3: Thread the Beads
- Take one strand of elastic cord and secure one end with a knot.
- Thread your chosen seed beads onto the elastic cord in your desired pattern and color combination. You can use a beading needle to help with this process if needed.
- Continue threading beads until the strand is almost full, leaving a small amount of space at the end to tie another knot. Repeat this process for the remaining strands.
Step 4: Secure the Ends
- Once all the strands are beaded, tie a secure knot at the end of each strand to prevent the beads from sliding off.
- Trim any excess elastic cord, leaving a small tail.
Step 5: Arrange the Strands
- Lay out the beaded strands side by side in the order you want them to appear in your bracelet.
- Make sure the strands are evenly spaced and aligned.
Step 6: Create the Bracelet
- Gather all the strands together at one end.
- Tie a secure knot with all the strands together, leaving a small loop for the clasp.
- Apply a small amount of jewelry glue to the knot to secure it further.
- Once the glue has dried, trim any excess elastic cord from the knot.
Step 7: Finish the Bracelet
- Repeat the same process on the other end of the bracelet, tying a secure knot and applying glue.
- Allow the glue to dry completely before wearing your bracelet.
Step 8: Optional: Add a Clasp (Alternative)
If you prefer, you can add a clasp to your bracelet instead of tying knots. Simply attach a jewelry clasp to each end of the bracelet using jump rings or crimp beads.
Step 9: Enjoy Your Bracelet
Once the glue is fully dried, your colorful multi-strand seed bead bracelet is ready to wear. Enjoy your beautiful creation!
Feel free to experiment with different bead colors, patterns, and bracelet designs to create a unique piece of jewelry that reflects your style.

Cut lengths of beading thread or wire for each strand of your bracelets.
You can also use bead stoppers to prevent the beads from sliding off.
Thread your seed beads onto each strand. Use a beading needle to help string the beads.
Bring both ends of the thread together to form a loop at the end where you want to tie the knot.

Slide the knot inside the beads by pulling the ends of the thread. gently pull both ends of the thread to tighten the knot securely against the bead.
Apply a small amount of jewelry glue to the knots at both ends of each bracelet. This will help secure the knots.
After the glue has dried, use scissors to carefully trim any excess thread.
Hiding the knot inside the beads can provide a cleaner and more professional finish to your seed bead bracelet.